

hai all,

This picture shows two of my collection

you can see the rest of it and the price in CLAP SHOP

all of them are my home made products.
and they are very limited.

thank you for Lida and Prista for being Clap Models
And Raffi R.O.O.T production for the beautiful pictures

enjoy :)

Bella Larasati



ada satu perasaan aneh setiap kali gw ngeliat atau main "carrousel" . I feel save and feel like no one gonna hurts me..

gw lupa ulang tahun keberapa tapi yang gw inget suatu ketika pas gw ulang tahun. Papa (ini sebuatan gw buat bokap gw) berniat ngajak gw ke dufan. Dari pagi gw udah mandi dan siap-siap. Maklum anak kecil kan girang banget diajak ke dufan.. Tapi ternyata Papa telat karena ada kerjaan. Kita baru berangkat sore dan sampai di dufan sekitar jam setengah 7 malam jadi hampir semua permainan anak-anak sudah tutup. Yang tersisa cuma "carrousel". Akhirnya di hari ulang tahun itu gw naik carrousel sendirian liat lampu-lampu yang indah banget dan ngeliat Papa ngejagain gw di pinggir pagar. And what i feel? i feel save... "who's gonna hurt me in the beautiful place like this? with my super dad that always keep his eyes on me?"

i love u papa
happy birthday


Chocolate Melt Cake

Gw dan pacar gw selalu berdebat tentang "Loca! Coffee Plus, Kemang". Pacar gw selalu bilang "Loca tuh tempat minum kopi palng asik." terus gw bilang, " Gak, loca tuh tempat makan!,.." Akhirnya hari ini gw berhasil membuktikan ke si Sotoy ini kalo Loca tuh juga tempat makan banget selain tempat minum kopi dan nikmatin live music. Gw pesenin dia "Chocolate Melt Cake" dan bener loh dia mingkem padahal biasanya susah. Karena dessert ini bener "gila"..dan emang, setiap kali makan ini gw "melting". Kalo gw boong kalian boleh protes-protes ke gw..hehe.


Akibat menunggu pacar yang telat datang gw jadi iseng pake kuteks.. hari ini dan mungkin sampai minggu depan gw memilih "Greige Nails" untuk menunjang penampilan. hehehe. Dan ternyata memang "style booster" banget! I like it!

Old City


Azmi Nadyra, I got My Eyes on Her

perkenalkaaann gadis ini adalah Dyra teman sekampus saya.. dan i really love her style.. minimalist but killing hahahaha... she we'll be my partner for working on this blog next time.. please welcome her!!. foto ini gw ambil secara mendadak di kampus.

The Angel is in The Detail

My Sunny Day Ring

Gw suka pake cincin.. menurut gw cincin punya energi fashion tersendiri , are you with me? lihat cincinnya aja jangan jari jemari gw yang agak 'kurang'. Gw mendapatkan cincin ini di suatu gang sekitar Nathan Road, Hong Kong yang rame pedagang dari nepal. Kata penjualnya cincin ini membawa rejeki...who knows...

Happy birthdayyy..

selamat ulang tahun meita kecil semoga sukses dan makin disayang sama ayang "onto" ;p

Personal Style

Suatu hari gw diajak temen gw Indri ke garage sale temennya , "Nudism isn't cool" kalo ga salah itu ya nama garage salenya. Tempatnya di Pondok Indah deket EF. dan gw menemukan legging "classic printed" ini dengan harga Rp. 19.000,- isn't it cool?.

Change to Bahasa

gw menyerah memakai bahasa Inggris... Banyak hal yang jadi susah buat di omongin. hahaha.. sooo... i've decided to change to Bahasa!


Be a Model for Assignment

One day my seniors in FEUI asked me to be a model of an advertisement. I thought this is for a TV commercial. But it turned out to be used for their Marketing and Service Communication. This video was made by Joey and Heru. It makes me surprised that the result turned out to be like this.


blue ocean

i never ever thought blue sequin top is wearable..... but she broke the rule and i love it..


Tornado Coffee Kemang

My comfort zone

This is the place where I end my weekend almost every week. I always try to find a new place but no such place like this one. This place is very comfortable and fit to me. I don’t know why honestly, but you have to try out by your self.

Our intensity of visiting that place probably made Supri asked me and Anggi for being its models.

I have my favorite coffee here “Raspberry Coffee Latte” (actually I never try the others). I falling in love with this flavor and never order for the other… let see which flavor will make you fall in love.. and trust me you’ll come back….. see you there!

By the way the wardrobe are my own design. :p


It’s been a loooooonggg time since I post the last one, I am so sorry.. haahhaahhaha.. I am too busy with my real activity such as a student of economics (I wish I were a student of a school of design) , preparing for clap next collection from my own design, and other activity. But I am soooo excited! You will know what I have done back then by always visiting my blog.hehehe


advanced style

Fashion is unlimited, this blog is a proof. This blog includes stylish people from older ages and i think they are awesome! it's surprise me that this blog is a daily read of incredible fashion blogger, Karla ( www.karlascloset.blogspot.com ) . Check out these fresh inspirations from old ideas!


Hi all...

Welcome to my BLOG!

Somebody told me that the hardest part of doing something is “how to start” and she is absolutely right. Now, I pluck up all courage to start it with CLAP…

This blog will offer everything that I am passionate to (fashion, travel, music, movie) and "my little brand" (CLAP), which I hope someday, will be great, amen.

I wish I can help you with all of these things, you can find a new place, inspiration, or even new cloth ;)


Bella Larasati